65th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Sri Lanka Veterinary Association
7.30 am
8.15 am
Arrival of guests
8.30 am
Lighting of the Traditional Oil Lamp / National Anthem
8.45 am
Welcome address, President, Sri Lanka Veterinary Association
8.50 am
Address by the Chief Guest: Prof. Colin Peiris - Director, Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture
9.05 am
Keynote Speech - Dr. Ranjith Perera - Head, Dept. of Medical Microbiology, University of Kelaniya
9.25 am
Vote of Thanks - Secretary, Sri Lanka Veterinary Association
10.00 am
Scientific Sessions - (Parallel Sessions)
Venue 1: PGRC · Clinical Session · Animal Health Session Venue 2: Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) · Animal Production, Reproduction & Breeding Session
1.00 pm
Lunch Poster Presentation
4.00 pm
Annual General Meeting (PGRC)
4.00 pm
General Policies
- Only a SLVA Member shall be permitted to submit an abstract of a paper for presentation at the annual Scientific Sessions, who shall be the Corresponding Author. A Corresponding Author may have as co-author/s, SLVA members (life / ordinary / student), or Session Members (any other scientist / researcher who is not a SLVA member).
- Only a Member will be allowed to make a presentation (oral or poster) at the Annual Sessions. In the event of an author being unable to make the presentation due to ill-health or any other valid reason, the Secretary shall be notified in writing prior to the day of the presentation (on the day of the presentation in the event of an emergency) and a co- author shall then be allowed to make the presentation.
- All members should not be in arrears of membership fees including the current year subscription at the time of submitting the abstracts. All arrears, if any, should be paid by cheque drawn in favour of ‘Sri Lanka Veterinary Association’ before the deadline for submission of abstracts.
- Receipt of submission of abstracts will be acknowledged to the author by e-mail within three working days after the closing date. SLVA will communicate on matters related to the respective abstract only with the Corresponding Author.
- The SLVA Scientific Committee will initially review all abstracts, and abstracts meeting basic requirements will be sent to at least two independent reviewers. Notice of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the authors within one month with instructions for any necessary improvements and submission of the final version (due in one week) to the authors whose abstracts are accepted. The reviewers will decide whether the abstract is accepted for oral or poster presentation.
- By submitting an abstract the author(s) agree to allow publication of information in the Sri Lanka Veterinary Journal (SLVJ) or the Abstract Book, which will be distributed to all participants of annual SLVA scientific sessions/ AGM.
Format of the Abstract
- All abstracts must be in English, prepared using MS-Word, page size of A4 with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins and font Times New Roman 12.
- Abstracts must be based on original results and should follow a format similar to that used in previous SLVA Scientific Sessions
- They should be limited to a maximum of 350 words (excluding title of paper, names and affiliations of authors). Name of the corresponding author should be underlined. A telephone number and an e-mail address should be provided for the corresponding author.
- All abstracts must also include an extended abstract in order to facilitate the scientific review process (details below).
- The general structure for an abstract must include:
(a) Introduction – a statement of the hypothesis or research question;
(b) Methods - the study design and experimental methods used;
(c) Results - a concise summary of the major findings, with sufficient data to permit evaluation by the reviewers; and
(d) Conclusions - summary of the overall findings and the importance of the study.
No tables, graphs, figures or references are allowed. Whenever possible, generic names for drugs and SI units should be used. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention. Source of funding may only be acknowledged (in one sentence). Authors should declare any conflicts of interests.
- Abstracts that present single clinical cases of previously reported diseases, clinical cases where the outcome of the treatment procedures was negative, investigations of compounds that involve inadequate numbers of study subjects, or studies that lack quantitative data will not be accepted.
Guidelines for Preparation of the Extended Abstracts
Format: Must be in English, prepared using MS-Word, page size of A4 with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margins and font Times New Roman 12. The extended abstract should be 2-3 pages giving priority to the results and discussion, in order for the reviewers to better understand the work. A fairly detailed description of results (with statistics if necessary) can be included. Figures and tables, if any, should also be included in the extended abstract.
Layout: The extended abstract should be organized as follows:
- Title and author affiliations
- Introduction (with objectives)
- Materials and Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- References - only the very important references should be included. Following format should be followed.
Tokhi, A. M., Peiris, J. S., Scotland, S. M., Willshaw, G. A., Smith, H. R. & Cheasty, T. (1993). A longitudinal study of Vero cytotoxin producing Escherichia coli in cattle calves in Sri Lanka. Epidemiology and infection 110, 197-208.
Figures: If any, should either be done using computer software (included in the text as JPEG images), or be drawn separately with Indian ink on tracing paper. They should be clear and dark enough for photographic reproductions.
Submission of Abstracts
All abstracts must be submitted in English, prepared using MS-Word, page format of A4 with 2.5 cm margins and font Times New Roman 12.
All Abstracts should be emailed to info@slva.org copied to secretary@slva.org, niromikj@yahoo.com and niranjalad@yahoo.com in electronic format on or before the deadline.
Please contact either Dr. D.D.N. de Silva or N.K. Jayasekera for details.
Dr. D.D.N. de Silva Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya 20400 Tel : 081 2395806 Email : niranjalad@yahoo.com
Dr. N.K. Jayasekera Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Science University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya 20400 Tel : 081 2395804 Email : niromikj@yahoo.com